Sherfield Fête 2025

Sherfield Fête will take place on Saturday 14th June, from 12:00 to 17:00 on the village green.

Our theme for this year’s fête is the English Civil War. Around 50 re-enactors from the Sealed Knot Society (led by Prince Rupert’s Bluecoats, a 17th century Royalist regiment during the Civil War) will perform re-enactments of drill and skirmish with pike and musket in our large arena. Also on site will be the soldiers’ camp, complete with wives, children, traders, and less savoury elements!

The fête will also feature many more displays, a range of activities to join in with, dozens of stalls to browse and buy from, and a wide range of food and drink options, and promises a full afternoon of fun for all ages.

We are still actively planning this year’s fête, and we’ll continue to update this site with further details as they become confirmed.

Please visit the stall booking page to learn how you can book a pitch to take part.

If you would like to take part in our regular enthusiast’s car show, you can find details here.

Help us raise more for our good causes and raise your company’s profile by advertising in our free programme, or by sponsoring an element of the fete. More details here.

Staging an event like this takes a huge effort, and we need all the help we can get, both before, during and after the event. Please contact us if you would like to be part of the team, or can offer to help us in other ways. Offer your help here, drop us an email, or post on our Facebook page.

You can make a donation of money to the fête by scanning this code or clicking on it: