Love where you live? Proud of our local community? Enjoy helping out? Could you spare just a hour or two of your time?
We are looking for people to help with the Summer Fête this year. Is this something you might be interested in doing?

This year’s fête will be on Saturday 8 June, and setting up for the day, getting everything and everybody into the right place at the right time, and then tidying up afterwards, takes a huge amount of work. But it’s worth the effort for one of the best events in the locality.
The dedicated fête committee volunteer their time every year, and start planning many months in advance. But we do need a lot of extra help, especially on the days leading up to fête and on the day itself. Would you be interested in lending a hand to this community effort?
Help can be as little or as much as you would be willing to contribute, for example:
- Collecting donations ahead of the event
- Making a cake for the tea tent
- Setting up the green for the big day on the run up to or on the morning of the fete
- Meeting and greeting people as they arrive
- Marshalling traffic in the car park on the day
- Running or assisting on one of the fete stalls selling things
- Running a children’s game
- Assisting at the BBQ or Tea Tent
- Tidying up after the fete – for some this is the most important bit as then we can all go and party afterwards!
Every little bit helps to provide a day to remember for our amazing community.
We are flexible and inclusive and we will try to accommodate any disabilities or limitations you may have. There will be a designated committee member acting as a point of contact and providing support at all times.
If you’d like to offer to help, or if you just want to find out more about it, you can either fill in the form below, or email us – the result’s the same – we will get back to you to discuss ways you can get involved and have fun with us!