Stall booking terms and conditions

The Fete Committee seeks to book a variety of stalls offering a wide range of products, services and entertainments, and if there are multiple applications for the same type of stall we may choose not to accept them all. Your application for a pitch thus does not guarantee a place.

If your application is accepted we will contact you by email to ask for any necessary certifications (see later), to advise you of the total fee due, and to request payment by bank transfer, within 7 days please. Non-payment within 28 days will void your application.

Fees once received are non-refundable in all circumstances including cancellation whether by you or by us, and for whatever reason. This includes cancellation of the entire event, partial cancellation, inclement weather, or other causes beyond the control of the organisers.

By booking a stall and paying the relevant fee, any profits you make belong to you or your organisation, though as one of the main aims of the event is to raise funds for charities, we would be grateful if you would consider making a further donation if the day has been a success for you.

If you are providing or selling food or drink, you must supply us with a copy of a relevant Food Hygiene Certificate. If your stall will involve any potential risk to the public we will need to see a suitable Risk Assessment and if appropriate a certificate of Public Liability Insurance. When necessary we will request that you send these (as images or in PDF format) by email.

Access to the site for setting up your pitch will be from 10:00 on the day, and you must have completed setup by 12:00. You may bring a vehicle onto the site for setting up but it must be removed before 12:00 unless it is a necessary part of your stall – for example if you are selling from it – in which case it must remain stationary within your assigned pitch until 17:00.  There is an area of reserved parking for stallholders where you are welcome to leave your vehicle, but note that there is no exit from this area before 17:00, when vehicles are permitted onto the green for dismantling stalls. Unless we have agreed otherwise, you must have removed all your property, and any waste that has arisen from your pitch, from the green by sundown.

Removal of waste
Stallholders will be held responsible for the disposal of waste that arises from their activities. Please make arrangements to collect and remove all such waste from the site at the end of the event.

In the event of any queries, please contact the bookings secretary, Martin Paintin, via email to, or telephone 07715 164610.

Sherfield on Loddon Fete is organised by volunteers under the auspices of Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall, registered charity no 1178256.